Insanity Unmasked
Government interventions overall are naturally rife with logical absurdities, ambiguities, and hypocrisy, without which the legal profession would perish not to mention civilization. Masking is all the rage nowadays, and many are those who are enraged by masking mandates or disobedience thereto. Why, hardly a day goes by without some outrageous incident over masking, the most visible aspect justifying the existence government in its frustrated dictators, sometimes with misdemeanors converted into felonies. "To the vulnerable, every mask-less person is a potential loaded weapon," indicted Florida legislator Michael Grieco, a former prosecutor, Miami Beach commissioner and disc jockey, on the 3rd of August 2020, in public response to a Miami Herald article about a shopper who coughed on a cancer patient who was filming the shopper arguing with an employee in a store. The cougher was arrested on an assault charge after the victim waited a few days to file a complaint. One ...