
Showing posts from June, 2008

What's Not To Like About George Soros?

SOROSIAN JUSTICE BY DAVID ARTHUR WALTERS A trader by the name of David Silverman, chief operating officer of the Intellectual Property Exchange International and author of such articles as ‘Is the Market a Random Walk?’ cites the “good news” that any aspirant who is willing to work hard at the trade can compete and succeed at trading. That is the gospel in this reportedly democratic nation of ours, and it behooves the novice to believe it with all his heart and soul, and to act accordingly, despite the fact that most of us know quite a few virtuous people who have failed miserably. Mr. Silverman gives us good cause to wonder how successful he is at trading, for he has paraphrased another old saw, that those who can, do, and those who can’t, teach: Those who can make a living at trading, trade, and those who can’t trade, well, they write articles about it. To be fair, there are always exceptions to the general rule, and ways to make millions if not billions of units of exchange on them:...