Sorosian Russian Constructivism
SOROSIAN RUSSIAN CONSTRUCTIVISM BY DAVID ARTHUR WALTERS “However, if I may say so,” Nicholas Petrovich interjected, “you deny everything or, to put it more precisely, you are destroying everything…. But it’s essential to construct as well.” To which Bazarov the Nihilist replied: “That is not our affair…. First, we must make a clean sweep.” Ivan Turgenev, Fathers and Sons (1862) Back to the Future of Art Constructive people lead constructive lives. We are tool-making, weapon-wielding, self-conscious beings. If it were not for the manipulative hand, the marvelous mind would be inconceivable. We manipulate matter and alter its forms to put it to good use and to protect ourselves. We fancy that the whole wide world is of our own making. Our cultural constructs and successful cultivation of nature gives us cause to believe that the world was given us to do with as we will, to master and remake to our own liking. When we are in fact destructive, we are creatively destructive: We destroy nat...