
Showing posts from August, 2008

Radical Constructivism

RADICAL CONSTRUCTIVISM BY DAVID ARTHUR WALTERS “A reliable description of the behavior emanating from the box may suggest it has been whitened, but nothing about the black box and our relationship to it has changed. It remains unopened and openable, provisional, as black as ever. Knowledge gained from using this model is based in profound ignorance. One cannot, therefore, insist on rightness and should tread warily, respecting the different view of others.” article on ‘Cybernetics’ in Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics.   The everyday reader may be somewhat familiar with the age-old controversy over the usual philosophical dichotomies, such as mind and body to begin with, and between subject and object, self and world, ideal and real, mind and matter, and the like; but s/he may be unfamiliar with the Constructivism label placed on the old bottles, a new name for the academic approach that generally emphasizes the subjective side of the divisive debate, a side that was s...